Sunday, 31 January 2016


I saw this today & I can't stop thinking about it!

The movie starts by showing you a mum & son going through their daily routine contained within the four walls of a "room". As the story unfolds it becomes clear they are being held captive by "old Nick" who visits daily to deliver supplies & collect sexual favors from Joy (the mother). Joy has been held for 7 years and her son jack is 5. They make a beautiful life inside a shed that they call "room" and she teaches her son and provides for him as best she can. Eventually they escape and the story moves to their entry into the world...

Jack: I've been in the world 37 hours. I've seen pancakes, and a stairs, and birds, and windows, and hundreds of cars. And clouds, and police, and doctors, and grandma and grandpa. But Ma says they don't live together in the hammock house anymore. Grandma lives there with her friend Leo now. And Grandpa lives far away. I've seen persons with different faces, and bigness, and smells, talking all together. The world's like all TV planets on at the same time, so I don't know which way to look and listen. There's doors and... more doors. And behind all the doors, there's another inside, and another outside. And things happen, happen, HAPPENING. It never stops. Plus, the world's always changing brightness, and hotness. And there's invisible germs floating everywhere. When I was small, I only knew small things. But now I'm five, I know EVERYTHING!

At the start of the film watching them in the room, I couldn't help but think of how nice it might be to be totally focused on the routine of living. No outside influences to distract you from spending time with your child finding things to entertain yourselves like stretching, creating boats out of shampoo bottles and a snake out of egg shells. When she snapped at his constant questions I couldn't help but think well that's only fair she doesn't get a break, she can't even leave the room! I really came to accept their lif in "room" as being happy & simple. Obviously I don't want to get stolen & live in a shed but it was a calm to the routine and simplicity of it all. No Facebook no worries about what everyone else is doing, just doing your thing. As the movie continued, I just felt so much empathy for the boy and the mum, she was back in the world trying to fit & be a human and he just wanted to be close to her & near her as she was all that was familiar to him.

This film is a must see but I would warn it is so hard to watch. I cried, I laughed and I felt sick to my stomach. The whole thing was really well done!

I give it 9

M x

Yoga Camp - Day 10 - I am Present

This is what I'm here for today's mantra is my mantra for the year - I am present! I want to be more present in all aspects of my life, present with my children, my husband, while I eat and while I exercise. 

My mind is a busy one and presence isn't easy for me to come by...  I was trying to squeeze the practice into my day while my husband the children were entertained, that wasn't the best idea I kept coming out of the moment looking at what my husband was doing, wondering what miss 3 year old is doing and thinking about getting the washing off. I actually stopped and told my husband at one point to put the biscuits he'd just opened in the biscuit jar rather than a Tupperware container... Let it go woman! Be present! Might have to do this one again and again to get myself there, practice makes perfect! 

M xo

Sunday, 24 January 2016


"Swinger" Summer is swinging in the breeze in your undies with Sunglasses on. Its been a hot week here and as afternoon approached I got the kids outside in the cool breeze (no midges when there is a breeze) to cool off. Joselyn loves the swing!

"Happiness" Henry has had a big week, we have three more teeth.  This photo sums his week up perfectly, fingers in his mouth happy as can be, as long as I'm looking at him.

"Dog Kisses" Minnie almost sent me to the Mental hospital this week, her constant barking is annoying enough but when you're having issues with sleeping babies its just too much... Poor Minnie had a few nasty words thrown her way, and many threats that she'd be sent to the farm.  This photo reminds me that she is family & does bring us joy and make us smile.

I think I'm doing pretty well I have so many gorgeous photos I think I'm going to have to do a monthly post to show some of the ones that didn't make the cut for the week.  Still playing with my camera need some lessons on editing and maybe even a beginners course.

See you next week.
M xo

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Yoga Camp - Day 9 - I am Bold

Today I found myself home with Henry asleep just wanting to read my book but I peeled my eyes away and did my practice. I'm glad I did I feel strong, proud and balance.

I'm not sure what the I am bold mantra means to me, Nan would always call be a bold girl when I was a baby so I know I have boldness... Bold is a strange word when you write it over and over. I am BOLD. I am BOLD! Boldly go where no camper has gone before! “I see pride, I see power,  I see a bold ass mother who don't no crap off nobody!” Cool runnings! 

I am bold, I am fearless, I am ready to risk my career for my family. I will find what makes me happy and strive to do that!

M x

Friday, 22 January 2016

Yoga Camp - Day 8 - I Choose

Today in yoga camp I had a beautiful little yogi join me...  Miss J, it brought a smile to my face watching her attempt to mimick the moves I was doing & as described in the movie, big deep breaths & all.

Today's mantra was I choose. I choose to make time for myself, I choose to be present in the moment & enjoy motherhood. 

Joselyn couldn't have chosen a better day to join me, it made me think about why I'm doing this... I choose to be a good role model to her & her brother. I know she's all about daddy but it made me realize how much she looks up to me too. I choose to make time for myself & enjoy these beautiful heartfelt moments because I choose not to be at work & to be here present & enjoying the time I have with my kids. 

I choose to be present, let go of all the crap & enjoy my life... My heart feels full today! 

M x

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Yoga Camp - Day 7 - I am Capable

Today was a tough day, I felt like a comedy of errors occurred & that I was being filmed to see how I'd flip! I was capable, I got through the day! This 20 minute session sure did get me going, I only wish I could of done it this morning (not to dwell).

Today's mantra was I am capable! I was totally capable of doing 7 days of yoga, sure they haven't been consecutive but I'm here & I'm still doing it!

I'm a capable mother, wife, friend, daughter, sister & human! My legs & feet are capable of holding me strong! 

Until tomorrow!
M x

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Yoga Camp - Day 6 - I am Supported

I've been away at mums for a week & i didn't have my yoga mat & I was tired but i feel that I was really just using that as an excuse as the phrase "6 pack abs" had me worried that it would be hard & put it off. I'm disappointed that I didn't keep up the continuous practice but I have no one to blame for it but myself & really there is no point in beating myself up over it!!

Today wasn't at all as hard as I had envisioned it was fine & the mantra really had me smiling - I am supported! I have the most wonderful husband, friends & family that support me in any of my ventures. Plus my body showed that it too is supportive, it survived ab day! It's created two beautiful babies & still continues to feed one of them. 

No looking back only forward- see you tomorrow or maybe even tonight if the kids go to sleep early enough!

I am supported & I can do this! 

M x

Turn up the Music

This morning on my way to Pilates I turned on a playlist on my iPhone and turned the music up really loud. I forget what a positive effect music has on me, I need to remind myself to turn up the music and sing and dance more often!

Thanks FIVE for keep movin' this morning it really lifted my spirits!

M x

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

The Big Bad Wolf

I know that kids need boundaries and the boundaries need to be enforced but the last few weeks I just feel like I'm the big bad wolf or the enforcer, or fun police or whatever label you choose to put on it and I'm just left feeling even more cranky!

I don't want to be a mum that doesn't have fun and that's known as being cranky all the time. I want to be a fun mum!!

My biggest fear of being the "big bad wolf" is that Joselyn will be too scared to talk to me about things and I want her to have the confidence to tell me ANYTHING!! I don't want her to be scared of me but I do want her to do what she's told, when she's told when I use my I mean it voice.  

Last night she refused to kiss me goodnight & I went to bed feeling heartbroken, tonight she went to bed upset & when I tried to talk to her she refused to speak. 

I try to remind myself that she's only 3 and to not be so hard on her but then I worry that we aren't hard enough!! 

I'm so nervous to hit those teenage years, at least I have a few years of practice!

M x


Monday, 18 January 2016


I scream for ice cream! I'm finding it really hard to get photo's of Joselyn looking without showing her teeth mid "cheeeeese" - her eyes are simply magnificent but so are those lashes.  A very over exposed shot but it captures the calm of our post park treat. 

"Splish Splash" Henry has just this week learnt how to sit up for extended periods of time.  He is having an absolute ball in the bath splashing himself and everyone around him.  This look is something I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot of over the years.

M x

Sunday, 10 January 2016


"Secret Smiles"  Joselyn mid games in the front yard, I know that her hair is in her eyes and I've chopped the top of her head off but this photograph captures her, the smile and those eyes are what I know and love about her.  

"Crawler" Henry is on the move, he loves going to the front door and looking out at Minnie. This photo was captured with me laying on the ground saying Peek-a-boo to him, this is is favourite thing at the moment.  I wish I could bottle his little laugh.

M x

Friday, 8 January 2016

Yoga Camp - Day 5 - I am Alive

Yesterday I just didn't get there and I went to bed with a bit of guilt that I had "failed" my 30 day mission but after getting my husband off to work and daughter to daycare, my son to sleep and a load of washing hung out there was NO EXCUSE!

It was the perfect session to awaken me from my self pity & realise that it isn't the end and I haven't failed, just got to pick myself up & keep trying!

I am alive and well, I am alive in this world, I am alive and present, I awaken my mind, my body and my spirit from its slumber. I am alive and welcome 2016 with open arms, 2016 with its 12 months of possibilities & countless days to do whatever I want with!

I am alive and so grateful for this life!  

M x 

Thursday, 7 January 2016

First Week Blues

I got the blues... The post Christmas first week back blues! 

I feel overwhelmed with everything I want to accomplish, I'm tired because of lack of sleep and have headaches from dehydration!

I want to push through the other side of these feelings of resentment and frustration and get to the happy place where I enjoy being a domestic goddess! I want to play with the kids, have dinner on the table & tidy.. It just doesn't seem possible! 

My sister gave me 20 inspirational quotes to pull one a day from, today was the first one I drew & it was perfectly matched to my mood...

I've got to stop aiming for perfection & instead just be... Stop going around in circles, procrastinating & just start somewhere! 

Today I started with making the bed! 

M x 

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Yoga Camp - Day 4 - I awaken

Well I might need to do this one again as I was a bit distracted throughout.  My aim was to awaken the domestic goddess, the one that would keep on top of the household chores, have dinner ready & bake... Maybe that's why my subconscious checked out! I definitely awoke something bottom burps everywhere 🙊🙉🙈 lucky it's only me here! 

Day 4 done I awaken the sleeping domestic goddess & I'm looking forward to her return!! Still having a few wrist issues so this one was tough on that! 

M x 

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Yoga Camp - Day 3 - I embrace

Took 4 attempts to do today's practice but I got there and I did it. I embrace that I am a mum and that it's better to practice yoga when the children are asleep!

I embrace that it's going to take more than 3 days to change my life and I embrace that if I want life to be different I have to do something about it.

M x 

Monday, 4 January 2016


Here we go... Week 1.

This year I am attempting to participate in the 52 project which is a photo a week, each week of my Children.  Bare with me I don't really know what I'm doing yet, I've only started playing with the manual setting on my brand new camera this week and I have no idea how to edit but live and learn I say and hopefully by the end of the year I'll know what I'm doing!

Above in order we have...

"Blue Eye Raspberry" Master Henry at home blowing raspberries in the highchair, those dreamy eyes and his strawberry and cream complexion I couldn't resist a photo of him. He is growing so quickly and is now happy sitting up in the Kitchen in his chair watching the world.

"Higher" Miss Joselyn right where she loves to be on the swing. We went on an adventure to Brunswick Heads while Daddy was on Holidays with us. She is just so happy to sit and be pushed all day long, I sometimes wish for the day that she can learn to swing herself but I'm sure it will be a bitter sweet moment because then she'll be grown even more.

"Fur Ball" My original baby, my fur baby.  As I said my camera is new and I've been playing around with the settings, I love this photo of Minnie and couldn't resist adding it.  She won't make an appearance every week but I dare say that she will be in a few scattered through the year.

"My Darling husband", I was playing with the manual settings and just love this black and white image I captured of him.  Usually his eyes are something I can't look away from because of their piercing blue colour but even in this photo I can't help but look straight into the windows of his kind hearted soul.

So there we go, please forgive me if these photos are not "photographic brilliance" I'm learning and hope to grow from week to week.

M x

My Husband

I have so much gratitude for this man, he works so hard to make sure we are safe & provided for, he helps me around the house & is an awesome fun loving Daddy to our two children.

Sometimes I have so much love for him I feel as if I could burst & then other days get so frustrated with him for the smallest of things... Which I guess is just human nature we all have our up and down moments and I wish I could just be the bursting with love girl for him all the time!

Today I'm totally bursting! 

M x

Yoga Camp - Day 2 - I create

Here we are day two! When I saw that today's session was 50 mins I almost gave up but instead I focused on my mantra for the day, i create. 

I create the time for me to focus on myself and be the best me I can be. I create yummy food for us to nurture our souls & I create beautiful tiny humans that I will lead by example.

M x 

Yoga Camp - Day 1 - I accept

I accept that this is my body and I'm going to use it best I can, over the next 30 days I'll be participating in a yoga camp. 

Today's Mantra is something I really need, time for my body and my mind.... So here we go! I accept, the challenge, the pleasure, the pain and the adventure!

M x 

Saturday, 2 January 2016


How do you know that you are doing a good job? How do you know what's right? Do you have to wait until your kids are all grown up before you can "know" you did it right"? And how is success measured? Does a kid that grows up to not be a drug addict or prostitute a pass and one that does a fail? 

I find my current "role" as a stay at home mum brings all of these things into question. Especially when I'm visited by or visiting friends or family with kids of the same or similar age - you just can't help but compare and think am I doing it wrong?

I look at my little miss 3 year old through my rose coloured glasses & I think she's practically perfect but take her out of her home environment & comparing to others I start to notice little issues in socialization, temper and skills. Talk of school comes up often and questions fly, what more can I do, how can I prepare her, am I doing enough, should I do more?

The job of a mummy isn't an easy one, you question yourself every step of the way and there's no kpis, no performance reviews, no courses. Just you and your partner in crime (Daddy) making decisions to try & mold a tiny human into something you can be proud of...

But at the end of the day I'm pretty sure I'll be proud no matter what... 

M x

This photo makes my heart break, and has me asking myself questions about acceptance, my poor baby being left out of the pack... But she doesn't seem to care, so why do I?

These two are only 4 months apart but as a first born & 3rd born the difference is astounding in development 

Holding my baby while he sleeps. They are only little for such a short time, is it really spoiling them?


This movie was suggested as a must watch for little girls because it has a strong female lead something that is lacking in a lot of the "princess" movies.

We watched it together as a family on Friday afternoon and I'll have to admit it's one of the first Pixar movies I felt fell flat.  I liked the story & theme, mother & daughter bonds and keeping communication lines open & listening to each other. Plus that the female lead is a red head with curly hair and scruffy looking. It was just lacking something, I think maybe the tongue in cheek humor & strong characters.

All in all 4/10

M x

Friday, 1 January 2016

Inside Out

This is such a beautiful movie with a gorgeous theme perfectly timed for our daughter as its release aligned when we are teaching her about her "feelings".

The film is layered with so many different levels of lessons for young to old. I found myself adjusting & thinking about my own feelings & parenting style after watching it. Disney Pixar always does a really good job of making movies that are for children and their parents, I really can't get enough of their films!

The movie is about a little girl Riley and the feelings in her head. Joy, sadness, fear, disgust, and Anger. The major lesson for me from the movie is that your life doesn't need to be happy or "joyful" all of the time. Some of our most defining moments can come from moments of sadness, anger, fear or disgust!

The world really does have a focus on being happy just think of the phrases "happy" new year and "happy" birthday.  I'm not at all suggesting that happiness isn't important just more coming to terms with the fact that you can be joyful but sad or angry at the same time and not being joyful isn't necessarily a bad thing and doesn't mean you've got to be cheered up or distracted, sometimes just feeling the feelings and understanding them and talking about it is all that's needed. I found the scene with BingBong and the rocket really captured this, Joy was trying to distract him from feeling sad but sadness just sat with him and listened to why he was sad.

I just found this really thought provoking in terms of dealing with my own & my children's sadness! 

This movie is up there for me 9 out of 10

M x