Wednesday, 30 March 2016


I'm a bit late this week, we've been away again & It might be cheating but I'm not sure if these photos should be week 13 or 14, either way they are my week 13's picks.  Minnie scrapped in this week too!

"I'm not scared" we accidentally got dumped last time we were at Scotts Head beach so this has giving us a fear of the waves again, something I thought we had gotten past.  This trip we seemed to be back on the horse but a quick check over the shoulder to check there are no "big" waves on the horizon is always good beach practice - a little bit of fear of the water isn't a bad thing!

"Sandman" Henry just loved the sand, he played with it put it in his mouth and had an absolute ball.  While checking this photo he took of crawling down the beach after his dad I looked up to see him gone and almost a the waters edge about to be taken out by a shore wave, camera and all I ran down and swooped him up... a little reminder for me to never take my eyes away around water!

"Brown Eyes" my fur baby got to come to Scotts Head too this trip, she was so happy to be away with us but once again upon our return yesterday she has the post holiday blues, she won't even get out of bed to bark at the postman... Poor Minnie.

M x

Monday, 21 March 2016

Have a little Faith

Sunday was Henry's Baptism. 

When questioned by a Neighbour about my reason for baptizing him, I took the cheats way out and said it was so we could get him into the school we wanted.... That was I lie, I don't know why but I find it hard to admit that I have faith or that I'm Catholic. Maybe it's because of all the current negative publicity around Catholicism or maybe it's something else.

What I know for sure is that I believe in God, I believe he was our creator. I believe there was a man called Jesus and that he did wonderful things, I believe that the stories of both these wonderful things & creation were passed down & imbellished from generation to generation but the constant lessons behind these stories run true. Be kind, have courage and remain faithful.

I do not believe that everything in the bible is fact. I do not believe going to church every Sunday will make anyone a better person. I do not believe that because you marry someone you must remain with them if you don't compliment and bring out the best in each other I believe the marriage was not built to last but is rather a bump on the journey of your life.

I want my children to be brought up with faith, I want them to experience the schooling that I did. I want them to understand the importance of Easter & Christmas in our faith and the underlying values taught in the bible. I want them to learn the respect required to attend Mass service and the freedom of singing even if you don't have the voice for it. I want them to have a teacher like I did that pointed out that the bible is just a really good story and we should take the lessons & teachings from that story & apply it to our life.

I have Baptised my children for more reasons than school & from now I'm going to have the guts to say it!

M x

Sunday, 20 March 2016


"The little Mermaid" Joselyn's confidence in the water this summer has come leaps and bounds, I am surprised at how quickly she conquered the fear of getting her face wet. The googles are a huge help, next stop hair washing without tears??

"Goofball" Henry has started this goofy grin where he crinkles his nose and bites his bottom lip... This photo captures part of the look but not quiet, It makes me laugh so hard whenever he does it.

M x

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Self Pressure

I don't know what it is with me or why I do this to myself but once again I have that heavy feeling on my chest that I'm not doing enough, I feel almost lost on a daily basis lacking any direction or focus.

I feel I'm not using my year "off" as well as I should be. I should have a system in place where each Wednesday I cook and wash the sheets and mop the floors but alas here I am floundering and time wasting! 

I just wish there was a easy way to get my head in the game and keep it there.

I wish I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up... I should be using this time to work towards it but then again why not just stop! But maybe I do know what I want to be? Maybe I'm happy to be a mum but why do I feel such pressure that being "just" a mum isn't enough... What happened in society that being a SAHM wasn't desirable anymore... But neither is a full time working mum and then part time working mums are frowned upon too.... No matter what path is chosen there is always an argument for the opposite! 

I really just want to stop thinking and feeling this way so I can just enjoy this moment right now because it will be over before I know it! I want energy to accomplish all the tasks required in a day and I want to stop having unrealistic expectations on myself to accomplish thousands of tasks in a single day... Really not that much!! 

M x 

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Good vs Bad

I was told today that I've always had a good kid verses someone else who's kid is a handful... I replied with yes my daughter is good but it's taken work for us to get to this place. They replied it's because she's a girl and she's always been good because she plays by herself & I once again replied yes because I've encouraged her to.

It's got me thinking is it really that simple? By me placing very limited boundaries on my kids around what they can and can not touch & leaving them to explore their home environment on their own with minimal supervision did it encourage & Foster independent play?  I don't want to sound like I hold the key to successful child rearing (especially when I've got one that isn't even a year old who could very quickly rain on my parade) because it's not that simple. I'd love to borrow a "naughty" kid for a month and see if my relaxed play environment would change the independent play? I then think about my friend with twins & wonder if one is more difficult or are they parenting differently.

Nature verses nurture... Food for thought

Good night 

M x 

Sunday, 13 March 2016


"Spinner" Joselyn is getting too big for this swing but she won't let it go she still loves it so much, she needs to be pushed at exactly the right angle otherwise she crashes into the brick wall or the window sill... I've tried saying lets just do little swings but the response is always "higher, Mummy higher" We really need to find another place for it, but it is good for this hot part of the day as it is under the verandah in the shade. We have come up with an exciting new way to "swing" I spin her around and around until the rope is all twisted and then when she says "go" I let the swing unravel she laughs hysterically and then says "Mummy I'm so dizzy. Back the other way?"

"Wakey Wakey" Henry is in the Mummy is awesome and we should never part phase.  I need to remind myself that I should enjoy it while it lasts because one day he'll grown up and won't want to follow me around all day.  These are the smiles I'm treated to when I go to collect him from his cot, such beautiful big smiles!

M x 

Thursday, 10 March 2016

From the outside looking in

If I were to play you the highlight reel from today it would look like I'm completely nailing it.

I've done a load of washing
Went to swimming lessons
Stopped by the store
Children have both rested
We've fed the ducks
Been for a walk
Had a swim in the lake
Played at the park
And I've got pulled pork cooking for dinner

Really I'm amazed at my own awesomeness when I read the highlight reel... It makes me think of this quote

M x

Ps I forgot I also had a shower!! 

These Days

Right now I'm sitting in the driveway in the car with a sleeping baby while my 3 year old is inside the house watching a DVD... I feel like I'm doing something bad but I know that this sleep can be a turning point of how my day and night turns out.

Most days juggling two children and a fur baby my mind flips between two thoughts... "I've got this and I'm totally nailing it" and the second "I can't cope, I'm failing and am a terrible mother"

A wise person has told me to approach my parenting with a "good enough" method this is a long stretch from my previous mantra of "good, better, best. Never let it rest, till your good is better, and your better best". He told me rather than striving for perfection focus on just meeting the basic needs.

In days like these I am constantly reminding myself of the "good enough" approach, disagreeing with my "you can't do this" thoughts and pushing through.

Days like today I really want to curl up in the corner & cry. We've had poo that missed the toilet & travelled up the hallway, a baby that won't sleep, a dog that won't stop barking, washing to hangout, swimming lessons, a sleeping baby, a hungry & attention seeking little girl, a barking dog and an exhausted mummy.... Are the basic needs being met? Yep, totally nailing it! 

 M x 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Strong Women

With yesterday being international women's day, this quote sprung to mind, it got me thinking about all of the strong women in my life. There are countless names I could rattle off that have been an influence to me at some point or another.

From a career point of view there have been a number of strong women that have crossed my path and the lessons they have taught me will stick for years to come. Starting from way back in my early years with Margo at the Video Store, to Kim, Jodie and Karyn at Moylan's, Rosanna at PSI and Kristy, Kylie, Tina, Steph, Joy, Marlene, Sally and Mel through my Billabong years. Then there are the ladies from my journey in motherhood Aiko, Mel, Peta, Kylie, Kai, Amber, Briony, Kristy, Ange and Cathrine who have helped me navigate my way through the loops and turns that is the rollercoaster ride of parenting. There are long lasting friendships Ang, Lauren and Michelle who are always a constant and no matter how much time shall pass doesn't miss a beat when we catch up. There are the women that shaped my childhood, Jenelle, Pauline, Julie, Kim, Lorna, Amanda and Olive who helped me learn and grow into a grown up.

As I said so many strong influential women... I am truly blessed. I believe you are who you are based on your experiences and what you take from them, I believe the people in your life help shape you and I wouldn't be the person I am at all without the above mentioned women but in particular the following three women. Without them I would be nothing. I want to call them my top 3 influential women and in the spirit of international womens day I want to give them a nod of thanks for being just that.

My Mum
Obviously I wouldn't be here without her...  but she is more that just my life giver.   My mum has a strength that I don't even think she is aware of, a total inspiration.

 A a single mother of two in the 80's, when single mothers were not the norm. Raising two headstrong young girls on her own is just the start.  She worked full time, provided for my sister and I and gave us a happy and healthy childhood. She made sure that we were surrounded by love, had contact with our grandparents and had enough emotional support with an absent father. I couldn't imagine the strength it took to pack up and move home while pregnant in search of a better life, let alone stay in contact with your in laws but I am grateful that the strength was found.  My mother sold our home and built a new more manageable one, I can barely work out how to renovate the one we are living in and that is with a Husband.

She has travelled Australia and now the US of A, Crochets, bowls and now quilts like a woman of the deep south.  She will listen to me rave on for hours, even if she isn't really listening and provides sound practical advice.  There have been two moments in life that I have faced the fear of losing her, the first in one of the scariest days of my life she had a major car accident and was lucky to walk out with a broken arm (in 4 places), I remember walking into that room and the feeling of relief that washed over me to see that she was okay, she was sitting up in the hospital bed shining like an angel (due to the broken glass all over her blue jumper). The second was in 2011 after her first mammogram she was diagnosed with Breast cancer she had her breasts removed went through the treatment and is thankfully still here to tell the tale, Joselyn and her had a competition to see who could grow hair quicker and she won (Joselyn is still lacking in the hair department).

My mother has taught me so much.  

The first you can make fun memories on a shoestring budget, we had such a magical childhood, Sunday bike rides, picnics, holidays it was very rare that we did without.  

You need to make the best of what you have, if life throws you lemons make lemonade. We survived on what we had, we went out for dinner if mum didn't feel like cooking and we had holidays every year.

 To never judge a book by it's cover, mum has always taught me there are two sides to every story and to try have the patients to see both.

A strong woman can do anything but you need to be even stronger ask for help if you need it. 

Its amazing what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it, mum has made some amazing things me being the first (hehehe), quilts and blankets.

 A clean house doesn't make you happy.

And finally its okay to cry, she wears her emotions on her sleeve, even if she can't find the words to name them.  

My Sister
Kate is the first person in the world who has given me unconditional love and because of that she is one of the few people in the world that sees all of me.  My good, my bad and my just plain ugly.  We have fought over the strangest of things and bonded over even stranger.

She is one of the most generous, loving and kind people I know.  When we were kids our Nan broke her leg, Kate was given weeks off Daycare to help look after her because even as a toddler she had the gift of helping people. She is one of those beautiful generous souls that would give you her last dollar if you needed it. I call her the collector of wounded ducks, she finds people that have issues and becomes their friend and helps them through their toughest time and sends them on their way healed and ready to face the world again.  Its a quality I admire and wish I had the strength or compassion for.

Kate is also one of the most head strong people I know, she knows what she knows and won't budge without proof that she is wrong, another quality that both frustrates and fascinates me. She will tell you exactly what she thinks of something without fear, and if you disagree she doesn't care, she doesn't really care what others think and I wish I could apply the same attitude at times.

She gets obsessed about food and will eat the same thing everyday for a month and then not eat it again for 6 years. She is loyal, if you are her friend she's got your back and she will stand up for you until she is blue in the face.  She has a short fuse, one I'm sure comes from the Murrell side but underneath that tough exterior she will burst into tears at the smallest of things another quality that I am amazed by.

Kate is so Smart she is the first Murrell to ever graduate from University, she doesn't give herself enough credit for this and this amazing accomplishment and really lacks in confidence in her work but she is slowly learning to make her point heard. 

Kate has taught me that its okay to stand out from the crowd and have a different opinion, her love is unconditional regardless of your beliefs, she has taught me that there are nice people in the world, and that teachers have a compassion for children that knows no bounds and most importantly she has taught me how to be myself without fear.

My Nanny June
5 Children... really thats all that you need to say to a mother and I'm sure they look at her as the all powerful and wise one.  My Nan is the most loving and kind lady and I'm so glad that I get to call her my Nan.  She has this warmth and love beaming from her, she has a calmness and a strength that I like to be around but she also has this nagging quality that drives you crazy, until you crack it and feel bad because you know it only comes from a place of love.

Nan grew up in a time where life was simple, not that it can't be simple now but she has seen the world through so many modern developments.  When she was a girl there wasn't electricity at her farm, she saw the beginning of television, she still calls a radio a wireless and would sit me on the bench to show her how to press the buttons on the microwave. Now she is on Facebook!  She embraces change and technology like no other and I only hope that when I'm in my 70's I can keep up just like her. 

Listening to Nan and Pop tell stories about how they would go to the dances together and the early days of their marriage, how they survived on Pop's small income are some of the best memories and some really inspirational stories.

Nan has taught me to enjoy my Husband and the time we had before our kids came along, she has taught me that the baby comes to live with us not the other way around so not to change too much.  To make sure I make time for my Husband and not leave him out of the bond that comes from being a mum. She has taught me that a women's work in the house is always going to be more than a man's because we are just more capable and I should just learn to accept it.  She has taught me never to complain about my husband only speak of the good and you will only see good. Nan has taught me that you can only do your best and nobody can ask anymore from you. Most importantly she has taught me how much fun you can have with so little and love is really all you need as a family.

Thanks Ladies!  Happy International Womens Day!

M xo

Monday, 7 March 2016


"Sprinklers ARE Fun" this photo captures a moment after one the biggest "fights" J and I have had so far, she didn't want the sprinkler on no matter how hard I tried to convince her that it wouldn't hurt her.  I find it hard to push her out of her comfort zone and not give in especially when she gets this upset but this photo is a reminder that even though it was tough, we will get there in the end. They are learning and growing and this phase shall pass.

"Blue eyed Boy" our monthly photo shoot with milestone stickers for Henry's first year is getting harder and harder as each month passes, he isn't happy "sitting pretty" while I perfect the light and work on cracking a smile.  Instead he wants to sit in front of the door and see what Minnie is barking at.  I could get lost for days in those eyes!!

M x