Monday, 30 May 2016


"Sunny Skies and Sprinkles" I don't know what it is about this photo of Joselyn maybe its the memory attached but we have been housebound most of the week due to illness so went to the park for a play after we went and got sprinkle buns and sat on our blanket right near the grass hill.  Joselyn wanted to do sprints up the top of the hill bun in hand she ran to the top and twirled around and around.

"Bath Time Boogie" The nights and afternoons are getting cooler and because everyone has had a runny nose I've been doing early baths.  Henry loves the bath especially when he gets to share it with Joselyn.  I feel like a broken record playing a combination "on your bottom", "sit down please",  and "Jossie had that first" but look at that smile.

I was a bit early last week with the half way call, not sure what I was thinking still another 4 to go before I've made it half way!

M x

Friday, 27 May 2016


Henry started walking yesterday, it was a beautiful thing but what is more beautiful is sharing his achievements with his sister. I love this series of photos I captured today of Joselyn cheering her brother on as he was practicing his new skill at the park.

I love the sibling relationship I'm watching grow and develop between these two.

M x

Monday, 23 May 2016


"Big Girl Baby" Joselyn's continual request to play the game of being a baby is a reminder that she is still adjusting to having a baby brother.  Its no surprise that the game comes up especially when Henry is having a clingy day. It is tedious and painful game that takes all my strength to play, it leaves me with feelings of guilt and frustration but it is her way of communicating with me that although she is almost four she still needs mummy too.

"Shadow"  I love that the mornings are getting cooler, it means that its time to open the windows and play in the morning light!  I love our house and the winter sun that comes flooding in the back windows.

I made it half way, hopefully I can continue to show up for the remainder of the challenge.
M x

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

I pick you!

Today we had a third Tuesday of the month play date. It's a monthly thing we go to the local shopping center & they have a show & activities for the kids. We were killing time waiting for the show to start & the other mummies went to gather tea to help us survive the next few hours so I was in charge. I had three almost 4 year old girls and two 1 year old boys. The boys were banging on a wall & I suggested to the girls we play duck, duck, goose. They all wanted to go first, I decided to be fair I should go first. I walked around the circle saying duck several times & maybe that was the issue but I thought it wouldn't be fair to pick Joselyn so I picked one of the other girls. Then the other girl picked the other girl & then Joselyn was picked last. 

Now it's really not a huge issue but Sitting here on reflection of my day, I'm overcome with emotion as I think about J's little face when I didn't pick her. I should have picked her & I know that in the grand scheme of things it does not matter but it totally does in a almost 4 year olds mind.

I should always pick her, I do always pick her. It's okay to show the world she is my favorite because quite simply she is! I hope next time I remember that!

M x

Sunday, 15 May 2016


"Bow Ties"  Joselyn's cupboard has been constantly open this week and clothes have continually been draped over the floor, it seems she has discovered clothes or rather that she can choose her own clothes... It has been a bit of a struggle for me as I have pretty much had a little doll for almost 4 years and got to dress her in stylish little outfits.  I am trying to embrace this new found independence but I will admit it is tough not to chime in with an opinion or two... On the flip side she does have a funky sense of style, and has already started raiding her Brother's wardrobe.

"Teeth" there they are, look at them all!  He is such a happy boy at times.  As I type this he is climbing up my leg, he does make me laugh.  He is already displaying a temper if things don't go his way and the cheeky grin that goes with it tells me he isn't going to be an easy ride!

Almost half way pretty impressed with my progress thus far.

M x

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Today's thought

What was it that I wanted to be? What were my hopes and dreams?

I remember a school teacher phase, I remember a dance teacher phase, I remember a famous actor on stage or screen phase but among all of these dreams I was always going to be a mum, so am I there? 

M x

Monday, 9 May 2016


"Driving me Crazy" I couldn't decide between two photos for J this week, this one where you can see the joy jumping out of the screen as she races to the finish line at movie world on the taxi ride that she loves so much or the second where you could see the rage in her eyes as she yelled "no more photos mummy" at me.  These highs and lows have been a common feature this week, tears one minute and fits of laughter the next.  It's not all roses but its not all bad either, tears usually end in a big Mummy cuddle!

"Two Hands"  This guy has got braver this week he has been standing without holding on to things, I can feel those first steps looming.  He's still very clingy and wants to be near me if he hears or sees me, but he is very cheeky and very cute. He has been following his sister around the house and trying to join her games.  He loves any attention and loves to be where all the action is, this is where he is completely different to Joselyn.  The swing is where he is exactly like Joselyn, he'd sit all day in the swing if we let him.

Similar theme in this week's photos they are both looking left... just picked up on that.

M x

Logie Thoughts

I was taught by my mother to never argue about religion, politics or sex... So writing this gives me a little anxiety in fear of an argument but if I don't get my thoughts out I might just explode!

The TV week logies were on last night. I've spent the morning watching speeches, reading speeches and reviewing social media comments & debates.  3 things Have come from last nights awards Waleed Aly's Gold logie win, Noni Hazlehurst's induction into the hall of fame & Julia Morris' fall, cursing on live TV & "I need a hero" redo.  Julia is really a comical non event but the other two have sparked debate in my mind and it seems on social media.

I watched Waleed Aly's speech before I'd read anything, I had tears in my eyes and it was because of three thoughts. 
1. What a lovely multicultural list of nominees, if this was accidental how beautiful but the pessimist in me questioned was that created purposely after the oscars drama... Really why has it taken Lee Lin Chin so many years to be finally nominated
2. I'm so proud that Australia has voted for this man, he's a really strong multicultural, educated influence on Australian media. 
3. I hate that people live in fear because of their religious beliefs, but how very brave of them.

Then I saw this

I felt like standing & applauding here here but then I saw this

And once again I had tears, I kept reading it over and over trying to find words that would show Irfan that Constance was not alone, that I too believed that Waleed's win was historical, symbolic & important in Australia's acceptance of diversity. Thankfully someone wrote this 

And I commented I agree, but then I continued to read the comments & I read things like "I don't like Waleed, so therefore I'm racist", " what does his religious beliefs have to do with his award" and "I don't like or respect him but it has nothing to do with his religious beliefs, I find him condescending & rude" and it took my thoughts to another place. Was he nominated because of his religious beliefs, should they even matter, he is strong in his beliefs and would he have been nominated otherwise? I dont watch the project but have seen a few clips & at times found him almost condescending, I just resolved it that it was due to his audience.  I was not sure if I supported Waleed's win for the right reasons especially after I watched Noni.

Noni Hazlehurst's speech on her induction into the hall of fame and I think she sums up the "...ism" debate perfectly for me. She sums up for me what I sometimes worry I'm being naive in thinking, why can't we look at the world the same way as a preschooler? Why can we not see inspirational, feel good stories rather than pessimistic & negative views. Why does our religious beliefs, race or even gender matter? How can we keep the bigoted views away from our kids?  And finally how is she only the second women to be induducted into the hall of fame? 

“I started to see a world through the preschoolers eyes to see how free and unafraid they are to just be,” she said. “They haven’t yet been conditioned. No child is born a bigot.”

Hazlehurst lamented a changing TV landscape, and the explosion of technology, made it hard to escape exposure to bad news and violent images — and she fears ‘our hearts are growing cold.”

“The fact that I’m only the second woman to be given this honour is merely a reflection of the prevailing guard — as is the suggestion from some quarters that the eligibility of esteemed colleagues Waleed Aly and Lee Lin Chin going for gold is questionable,” she said.

But, she said, things are changing — albeit slowly.

“The great thing about glaciers is if you’re not on them you go under. I’ve been riding that glacier for 40 years. And I’m staying on top of it.”

“I look forward to the day where it’s not an issue whether a man or a woman, or an Asian person or a Muslim gets anything in this country.

“We share more similarities than differences and I think I’m really keen to promote that idea because I think any other idea is divisive and potentially disastrous.”

So while I'm excited for this move forward of Australia we do have a long way to go and my parenting style and beliefs are not so naive. One day we will as John Lennon put it "live as one"

M x

Monday, 2 May 2016


"TuTu Cute" this month J has rediscovered the tutu that Santa brought her for Christmas two years ago, I'm not sure if its because we went to see the Ballet just after Easter last month or if she likes it because she can put it on herself, either way these days every time I turn around she is either naked or in this tutu again. She makes my heart smile!

"Street Rat"  this was Henry's first play on a bike out in the street, I can see myself spending many afternoons sitting on our driveway watching the kids ride up and down our quiet little street.  I love where we live!

M x

Sunday, 1 May 2016


I'm actually loving this monthly reminder of what we have done over the month... makes me realise that we do get out of the house and have fun!

The month started with Henry's 9 month photos - I was late again, look at those eyes!

 We had a visit from my friend Lauren who has just returned from a year teaching in South Korea, it was so lovely to spend some time with her and introduce her to the new man in my life, Henry!  We spent a bit of time with her hanging around the pool at the casino, which is where she was staying.  They have recently done it up so it was nice to have a sticky.

 Henry sleeping by the pool, another photo for the henry sleeping series!!

Since we've had so many long weekend's and Easter, Adam has been home so we've been doing a lot of outdoor playtime.... There were pirates.

That cute little bottom.

Tent parties

 And Chocolate cake for no reason

The princess Dresses have got a workout this month, we have them in the dress up corner in the playroom and J is constantly changing in and out of them.

Henry's discovered the stacking rings and stacking cups, he likes to pull the rings off the stack and eat them... same with the cups

 He's constantly at my side and as clingy as ever.

And we are still having our day sleeps in the pram.... whatever works!

They are starting to play together, this was them being bears going in and out of their cave.

We had some more adventures at Sea World this time with Aunty Kate, Adam was busy doing house renovations.

More photos for the sleeping series.

Joselyn rode on the Banana's for the first time alone, she made a little friend on the ride and was so cute when she got off asking her if she had fun and was excited to try another ride.

That smile lights up my world!

I didn't quiet capture it but she was stroking Kate's hair as they watched the "golfin's"

Sticky Beak

She loves the log ride:

Henry's first Merry-go-round ride.

Henry is ten months and I took the photos on time!!!

Joselyn has been obsessed with wearing her tutu, she can put it on herself now so that's a bonus. 

Henry has been enjoying the freedom of pushing something and walking around on his own.  The lion has been a favourite this month.

Playing in the street, I have a feeling I've got many years ahead of sitting on the driveway watching them ride back and forth

Some Fun to be had at Southport parklands...  We'll be back another day when it's not raining!


Sorry it's a bit big this month, but I have trouble culling
M x